Back pain is very disturbing for a person. Risk factors can be heavy physical labor and nervous tension. What causes back pain and what measures should be taken to avoid straining the vertebrae? Throughout life, a person experiences constant physical force that affects the general condition of the body.

The skeletal frame consists of bone joints, the main part of which is the spine. Loads on the discs of the vertebrae sometimes cause back pain. There are many causes and symptoms that cause pain. What can cause back pain? Acute low back pain is called lumbago. This phenomenon is characterized by short sharp convulsive cramps in the back and lower back. A chronic form of chronic low back pain is called lumbodynia.
What can cause back pain: causes of diseases
Symptoms of low back pain are manifested by disruption or damage to the articular ligaments of the spine in the skeletal tissue structure, torsion and muscle spasms. Low back pain may be due to hypothermia.
The most common cause of back pain is sudden hypothermia. There are various life situations in which you need to expose your body to sudden temperature changes. The human body is designed in such a way that sudden changes in the atmosphere do not always have a positive effect on the general condition of the body.
Being under a stream of cold air, especially after a long stay in a warm place, the human body reacts quickly to changes in temperature, which causes back pain. If you have a cold in the lower back or back muscles, the reaction will not last long. The next day, back pain does not allow a person to lead a normal life. Acute or excruciating pain is accompanied by physical limitations of the body. It's hard to straighten your back.
Stiffness changes in movements, sometimes simple movements are given with great difficulty. What can you do if your back hurts? To do this, there are reliable and proven means of pharmacological products that will perfectly eliminate inflammation in the body.
How to treat back pain with hypothermia?
Warming ointments or gels should always be in the first aid kit at home. They will have a warming effect on the muscles and reduce back pain. After using these products, it is recommended to keep your back warm by wrapping a woolen scarf or shawl around your waist. If you do not have proper preparations, then you can rub your back with alcohol or vodka.
If your back pain does not go away within a few days, you should see a doctor.
Drug treatment involves injecting back pain. After a few sessions, the patient will relax and return to a normal lifestyle. If you have constant back pain, then a special belt, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is recommended to prevent back pain. Made of dog or sheep wool. You can wear it every day, it is not visible under the clothes.
The main symptoms of sciatica
The first stage of sciatica is back pain and back pain.
Sometimes when working in the garden or doing heavy physical work at home, you may suddenly feel a sharp pain in your back. Pain syndrome is short-lived and passes quickly. But after that, you can continue to work and suddenly feel a new attack. Back pain returns. This time the pain can paralyze the motor functions of the back. What are the causes of these symptoms and what measures should be taken to relieve back pain? Most likely, lumbosacral sciatica (or lumbago) has low back pain. In such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.
How to treat back pain with primary lumbago?
If you feel back pain, you should immediately take a horizontal position. In this case, the bed should be firm. You should take painkillers and analgesics to relieve the pain. It is strictly forbidden to take a hot bath during exacerbation: it will only increase the pain syndrome. Salt and fluid intake should be limited during this period. If the pain does not subside during the day, it makes sense to call a doctor at home.
How does a disc herniation (second stage of sciatica) manifest itself?
Low back pain can be chronic, meaning that constant pain does not leave a person. Temporary relief comes only while sleeping. In this case, it is highly likely that a herniated intervertebral disc will be diagnosed.
Persistent low back pain spreads to the legs, increases with movement, prevents complete inhalation and exhalation. Decreased sensitivity in the lumbar region. If you have such symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.
Lumbar osteochondrosis and occupational diseases of the back
Osteochondrosis of the spine occurs when the supply of minerals to the intervertebral discs that connect the vertebrae is disrupted. Insufficiently enriched joint tissues dry out. As a result, the discs are erased, back pain appears. Treatment of osteochondrosis involves a number of special measures:
- Manual and complex therapy.
- The need for special gymnastic exercises.
- Physiotherapeutic manipulations.
- Therapeutic massage complex.
- The diet should contain enough minerals (phosphorus, calcium) to strengthen bone structure.
In each case, an individual approach to treatment is required. Your rheumatologist will do this.
What is back pain related to occupational disease?
Constant pain is experienced by certain professionals. Basically, this type of activity involves mental labor workers. Staying in one place during the working day leads to weakening of the muscle tissue in the bone structure of the spine. This also creates a bad attitude. This feature is especially noticeable in school-age children.
Treatment and prevention of occupational diseases should be carried out directly in the workplace:
- Five minutes of physical gymnastics is recommended, which will allow you to load the back muscles.
- The back should be straight when sitting so as not to overload the spine. This will create a correct posture and give a load distributed to the skeleton of the back.
- After a hard day's work, you need a relaxing preventive massage for the entire back and front arms.
Any treatment involves an integrated approach that includes medication and physiotherapy sessions. Only a rheumatologist can find out why your back hurts, make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
How to get rid of pain and what to do to prevent it
Rehabilitation and restoration of bone structures in the dorsal part of the body should be carried out with minimal physical force. However, if you have back pain, you should never schedule bed rest.
The back muscles should be in a constant working tone. If a child has back pain, manual therapy and massage with alternative simple physical exercises are also recommended after a doctor's examination.
Take care of your health!